ckp la nguk !

Thursday, December 17, 2009

its all about life...

hai alllll.... hehehh.. bru skarang aq rasai camne seonoknye ade kawan... mmg aq x jumpe dlu mase aq skola.. sbb aq tau keadaan aq ya bukan 'fav student' o d best title is.. 'gud listener'.. i hate 2 pretending... 2 me that is hypocrite.. but 2 some people.. that is cute n sweet... ahhhh.... hate dis situation... orang suke orang yg bemuke2 drpd orang yg ckap lepas sbb dorang x bole nak trime kenyataan... lagi2 pmpuan.. huhuuu...
i luv my new fren.. even though dey r not 'up' but they still respect smone as a fren... i cant believe it.. that i get my precious moment 2 having a man kind as a 'friend' on 17... hahahha.... sbb slame ni aq yg bekawan ngan org.. tp org x nak bekawan ngan aq... aq x pnh nmpak mane lebey aq kat mate org yg x ske aq... yayaya... sbb mulut aq jaat.. that's y rmai x ske aq.. daaa... aq x kesah pon.... yg pnting aq x cakap blakang... tp bg stengah org.. depan kau baik... tp blakang... pppeeerrrggghhhh.... mgkin aq pon tegolong agaknye... ntah la... sape aq nak kate aq ni perfect... x de sape perfect dalam dunia ni... even ko ramai kawan melaut pon... x smestinye kawan ko yg melaut 2 will help u in sucks condition.. ingat... kawan ketawa mmg cukup banyak.. kawan menangis... x smestinye ko dapat ramai mcm kawan ko ketawa.... hhuuurrmmm... jom kita pikr la sesame.... aq x cakap sesape... kalo terase 2 sorry la... thanks 2 all my fren who remind me d meaningful of FRIENDSHIP... sha..aziz..azam..shafiq..azim.. wan.. wan lg..sape2 lg la yg bru jd kawan.. luv u all....

Friday, December 11, 2009

its all about me...

sallaaaaamm... hahahha... akhirnya monster aq da abes... se pe em le.. lege la jgak.. tp ntah.. aq ase bosan sangat2.. sbb x de bnde nak buat.. nak membace pon x tau ape nak bace.. nak cari kje pon mak aq mcm x bg je.. mak aq takut aq pnt n x larat.. tepakse la aq memerap kat umah ni... naseb baek la akak aq bwak blik bodban.. bole la ngadap lptop.. huhuu... aq ade masalah besau la... hhuuurrmm.. even though i was a bit 'manja' kata orang... ya.. i know... aarrrggghhhh... nobody hear what im gonna 2 say.. dis world is so cruel.. k la.. im tired 2 live in 'beautiful' life... but im still happy bcoz i have a big happy family... whose care about me.. i luv my ibu.. my akak2.. abang2.. adek.. my cutie niece n nephew.. thun depan.. im gonna have a new niece o nephew.. hehehhe... yeye.. dpat anak buah baru... wehhhooo....